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ModernAdvisor Review in Canada in 2022

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Buying financial advice is never easy. This can be true whether you’re talking about securing the services of an advisor who will work with you throughout your life or for a limited time on an issue such as retirement planning. Contradictory industry opinions and conflicting information regarding the subject matter at hand make it even harder for borrowers to arrive at any kind of decision.

But keep your worries calm as there is one advisor that can save you from all the hassle. ModernAdvisor is a Canada-based Robo-advisor that uses an advanced set of algorithms to assist investors in making smart financial decisions.

What is the Function of ModernAdvisor?

ModernAdvisor uses a specified set of asset classes to develop each client’s investment portfolio, which includes low-cost ETFs for diversification. ModernAdvisor uses the “Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO)” process to calculate the optimum asset class allocation for customers, which is employed by many high-level investors to find the right combination of assets. As a result, each portfolio may maximise profits for each risk level.

Expected returns were calculated using internal models, which were then adjusted for taxes and fees. ModernAdvisors’ algorithms explore a variety of potential return scenarios before calculating the best portfolio.

To preserve your risk portfolio, the platform automatically rebalances asset allocations if there is a more than 5% change from the original investment.

To begin investing with ModernAdvisor, you must first choose your investment goals and timeframe, as well as complete a few questions to help the system estimate your risk tolerance. A portfolio will be suggested for you based on this information, which you can change at any moment.

To begin investing, you’ll need a minimum of $1,000, and once you’ve funded your account, you’re set to go.

Important Features of ModernAdvisor

When deciding whether or not to work with ModernAdvisor, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Try it for free

Before committing to ModernAdvisor, you may test it out for a month with $1,000 of your own money and keep any profits produced during that time if you decide not to continue.

Accounts of Different Types

RRSPs, TFSAs, RESPs, RRIFs, LIRAs, and non-registered accounts, such as joint, individual, or corporate accounts, are all options for investors.

Rebalancing is done automatically

When the market swings, your portfolio will be automatically rebalanced if it deviates more than 5% from its initial target allocation.

Support is available 24/7

When you need some advice or have questions regarding your portfolio, you can contact an expert via phone, email, or live chat.

Supporting Pop-Up Box

A pop-up window constantly appears, asking whether you require any assistance.

Portfolios for Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

ModernAdvisor gives investors the opportunity to invest in firms that share their values. Using a range of portfolios, between 75 per cent and 95 per cent of your investment portfolio may qualify for ethical investing.

Harvesting Tax-Loss

By selling assets at a loss and offsetting your capital gains taxes, you can keep more money in your pocket at tax time.

ETFs with Low Fees

Your portfolio will be well-diversified and exposed to a wide range of low-cost ETFs, lowering risk and boosting returns.

Passive And Active Investing

ModernAdvisor is a little different from other Robo-advisors in that it uses a hybrid strategy of both passive and active investing to ensure that you’re not just making money but also actively looking for ways to beat the market.

Protected Funds

The Canadian Investor Protection Fund will protect up to $1 million of your money (CIPF).

What Are the Benefits of Using ModernAdvisor?

Fees are low

Because of their virtual platforms and centralised operations, ModernAdvisor can pass on their cost savings to you in the shape of reduced fees.

Index Fund with Low Fees

Investing in low-cost index funds can provide investors with a sense of security and prudence.

Access to your accounts whenever you want it

You can access your accounts and view your dashboard from your mobile device or computer whenever you want.


Contact a support specialist via phone, email, or live chat.

Free Trial

Use $1,000 of their money to try out ModernAdvisor for a month, and any gains you generate during that time are yours to keep, even if you decide not to continue with the platform.

The interface is easy to use

The ModernAdvisor platform is easy to navigate and features clean, clear, and minimalist designs.

Rebalancing is done automatically

When your account deviates more than 5% from its intended allocation, ModernAdvisor automatically rebalances it.

Investing for a Social Purpose

Invest in businesses that have the same values as you.

Portfolios That Are Customized And Diversified

To maximise diversification and minimise risk, invest in a number of ETFs in varying proportions.


The CIPF safeguards your assets.

For Whom Is ModernAdvisor Most Appropriate?

ModernAdvisor is a great option for investors who want to simplify their investment strategy by using a hybrid active/passive approach and save money on management costs. It’s also a fantastic venue for those who like to conduct their complete investment strategy online for maximum ease.

You don’t need to be digitally adept to use the web platform because of the simple interface. When you invest with ModernAdvisor, you’ll get the benefit of having both algorithms and real-life specialists manage your investment portfolio in an ideal balance based on your needs.

Should You Hire a Human Advisor or Use ModernAdvisor?

The more personal human involvement and help are required, the higher the investment cost will be. When compared to a conventional human investment advisor, who also charges a percentage of your assets, Robo advisors typically charge significantly cheaper management costs. Some traditional financial advisors may also demand new clients to handle a significantly larger minimum investment.

Online financial Robo-advisors, on the other hand, are often far less expensive than a regular investment advisor, which is one of the major advantages of these platforms over human advisors. They also provide low-cost funds that are linked to a variety of investments. Rather than striving to outperform the market, they just strive to match it over time.

Given this, it’s difficult to surpass Robo-advisors like ModernAdvisor, which allows investors to build large wealth while minimising risk without the hefty capital and fees than human advisors often require.

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