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Car Equity Loan: Is it Right for Me?

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A car equity loan is exactly what it sounds like: a loan secured by the equity in your vehicle. Auto equity loans are beneficial to applicants with bad credit who require immediate funds. However, the convenience of getting an auto equity loan comes with a price.

So, like with any loan, whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages is a matter of personal preference. To find out if an auto equity loan is good for you, read on to learn more about what an auto equity loan is, what the approval requirements are, and how it can help or hurt your finances.

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Auto or Car Equity Loans are a type of loan that allows you to borrow money against your car.

You may be familiar with home equity loans; vehicle equity loans are similar, except the collateral is a car rather than a property. It is not necessary to own your automobile outright to qualify for an auto equity loan. This means you can still get a vehicle equity loan even if other lenders are holding your automobile as collateral until you pay them what you owe.

Finally, the equity is calculated by subtracting the market value of the car from any commitments you have directly tied to it. The amount of equity you own in your car is usually the maximum amount a lender will offer.

Auto equity loans are typically created for people with bad credit or a history of financial difficulties. As a result of the additional risk to the lender, auto equity loans are more expensive. Auto equity loans are essential not only for individuals with weak credit but also for those who are in a hurry and need money.

Requirements for Auto Equity Loans

With auto equity loans, you don’t have to be concerned about your credit score. However, there are certain additional conditions for auto equity loans that you should think about before applying. The general prerequisites for an auto equity loan are listed below.

Proof of income. The lender will normally need proof of income to guarantee that you repay the loan. For lenders, a few recent pay stubs are sufficient proof.
Car insurance that includes both comprehensive and collision coverage. The majority of vehicle equity loan lenders require borrowers to maintain comprehensive and collision insurance for the duration of the loan.
A vehicle that is registered in your name. If you want to borrow against your car, you must have your name on the title.

Advantages and Disadvantages

When making a financial decision, you should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative. To come to a decision, weigh the benefits and drawbacks against your financial status and objectives. The following are the benefits and drawbacks of auto equity loans.


Loan terms are relatively longer. Auto equity loans have lengthier periods than other options for consumers with bad credit. This makes your loan installments more manageable, but you’ll end up paying more interest as a result.

Almost everyone meets the requirements. When it comes to financing, having good credit is usually one of the more difficult conditions to achieve. With auto equity loans, you don’t have to worry about having good credit because they are quite easy to apply for.

It is not required to own a car. You can still acquire an auto equity loan if you haven’t entirely paid off your automobile loan when you first got it.


Costly. Auto equity loans aren’t the cheapest option for financing. Interest rates are frequently higher. Keep in mind, however, that an auto equity loan is cheaper than other bad credit options such as payday loans.

It is possible that you will lose your vehicle. In the event that you default on the loan, the lender will take your car. Many people rely on their cars for school, employment, or simply to get around. Before you risk losing your automobile, think about how vital it is to you.

An Auto Equity Loan Requires a Minimum Credit Score

There is no credit score required for auto equity loans. Because your car is used to secure the loan, lenders don’t ask to view your credit score or report. If you default on your loan, the lender simply seizes your vehicle and sells it to pay off the outstanding debt. Because the lender is concerned about the safety of the collateral utilized for an auto equity loan, they do not assess your creditworthiness.

Is there a Difference Between Auto Equity Loans and Vehicle Title Loans?

Because auto equity loans and vehicle title loans have so many similarities, many lenders use the phrases interchangeably. Both auto equity loans and vehicle title loans are rapid lending solutions that leverage the value of your car as collateral and do not require strong credit.

The key difference between auto equity loans and vehicle title loans is that while applying for a vehicle title loan, you must own your automobile outright. Furthermore, compared to auto equity loans, vehicle title loans offer shorter repayment durations.

While there are some parallels between auto equity loans and vehicle title loans, they are not the same.

Is a Personal Auto Equity Loan Right for Me?

It depends totally on your financial circumstances and aspirations, as with other financing alternatives and selections. One type of financing may be ideal for one person but not for another. Auto equity loans, on the other hand, are great for folks with bad credit who require immediate cash. If this describes you, an auto equity loan may be the best option. However, before making a final selection, make sure to weigh all of your options and their associated benefits and drawbacks.

The Bottom Line

At Lionsgate, we specialize in helping people obtain funding private mortgages for land purchases as well as for other real estate transactions. If you are looking to buy land in Canada, get a mortgage or apply for a loan, leave us a message and we will try to connect you with local realtors and sourcing for financing.

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