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Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) Program

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The province of Saskatchewan has always been there for its residents. The social programs have been in place, in one way or another, to help the people living there. All these benefits are now rebranded under the umbrella of Social Income Support (SIS).

For example in the year 2018-19, a total of 18,800 residents received disability programs for themselves. Those were people who required income support due to job loss, illness, or low income. This program alone helped thousands of families in their time of need and continues to do so.

Besides the disability program, there are also other benefits that can be gained under Social Income Support (SIS). For this, a detailed guide is required that can help you and your loved one get access to the assistance you need.

What is Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS)?

The SIS program is a social support program for individuals and families who would otherwise be unable to get basic living essentials due to financial difficulties. The process was greatly shortened once other programmes like SAID, the disability arrangement, and TEA, the transitional employment allowance, were amalgamated into SIS, social income support.

It is now a comprehensive benefit plan offered to anyone who requires financial assistance due to situations beyond their control. A caseworker liaison evaluates these circumstances on a monthly basis. Illness, disability, unemployment, and low-income individuals are all reasons for receiving this payment. Because these situations are evaluated on a regular basis, the amount provided varies according to the real-time needs of persons who require the benefit.

Saskatchewan Income Support Benefits

The benefits are divided into several categories, each of which represents a different part of daily living costs.

Basic SIS Benefits

This benefit is intended to cover normal out-of-pocket expenses not related to housing. It relates to the price of food, clothing, home goods, and transportation. The baseline benefit for those who do not live in the northern district is $285 per month. The benefit is $350 with an additional $65 per child if you live in the northern district, where the cost of living is greater.

Shelter Benefits from the SIS

This accommodation is provided monthly and is intended to cover the costs of rent, mortgage payments, land taxes, and utilities, though the amount depends on your position. It is divided into two categories: rural and urban costs. A single beneficiary in Saskatoon or Regina receives $575, while couples without dependent children receive $750. Families with two or fewer children receive $974 per month, while those with three or more children receive $1,150.

The benefit amount is reduced if you live outside of these two major cities. This is due to the fact that housing costs in urban Saskatchewan are greater than elsewhere in the province. This group pays $525 to singles and $650 to couples without dependent children. Families with up to two children would receive $750, while those with three or more children will receive $850. These payments are made on a monthly basis and adhere to the payment schedule outlined above.

Health and Safety Benefits of SIS

This section is divided into several areas to handle a wide range of concerns. These are also evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that the beneficiary qualifies for the benefits they get and is receiving all of the assistance they require to thrive. The following are examples of subgroups of this benefit:

Household health and safety: This $500 benefit is intended to replace critical items lost as a result of a disaster or interpersonal violence. If your valuable possessions were damaged as a result of these problems, you can get up to the entire value to replace them. This group also includes persons who are relocating as a result of the same factors. It’s important to remember that this is a one-time payment.

Stabilization benefit: Amounting to $150 per month, this benefit is intended to assist people who are having difficulty maintaining stable housing. It can include those who rely on shelters or who are staying with friends or relatives but do not have a permanent address.

Read More: Is Disability Income Taxable in Canada?

Short-term emergency benefit: There is no set sum for this benefit, owing to the fact that each emergency is unique. If the emergency circumstance is both unforeseen and will result in harm without assistance, the candidate is eligible for this benefit, as determined by a Saskatchewan Social Support Worker.

Prescribed diet: SIS benefit claimants who require a special diet owing to medical issues are eligible for a monthly benefit ranging from $50 to $150 per month, depending on need. In some cases, it’s a matter of being able to afford the higher expense of certain diets, while in others, it’s used to pay for health-related supplements.

Travel benefit: This benefit pays for travel outside of the beneficiary’s neighbourhood for medical reasons, based on a particular mileage, meal, and lodging computation. If you need to travel to the city for treatment or other medical appointments, this benefit can help cover the costs so they don’t have to be deducted from your normal benefits.

Alternative heating: This benefit is entirely dependent on where you reside. It provides $130 per month to recipients who live in areas where natural gas is unavailable. It allows those who do not have access to this utility to pay for the fuel they use to heat their homes.

Saskatchewan Income Support Amounts

The amount of money you can get through the SIS programme depends on your situation. The following elements are evaluated on a regular basis to determine the amount of funding benefit:

  • If you have a spouse or partner, the money needed to sustain the family will increase.
  • If you have children, keep in mind that they add to the household’s overall basic living expenses.
  • Whether you rent, own home or reside in a distant northern community, this factor affects your overall cost of living.
  • If you work and your earnings are less than the exempt amount,
    1. Recipients who are single are eligible for a $325 tax break.
    2. Couples without dependent children are eligible for a $425 tax break.
    3. Exemption of $500 for a family

Who Is Eligible For The Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS)?

You must meet the following conditions to be eligible for this social assistance programme. If you live with a spouse or partner, these considerations must also apply to them. The criterion has been established so that the programme is available to:

  • Citizens, permanent residents, and refugees are all eligible.
  • Residents of Saskatchewan
  • Those who have reached the age of majority (over the age of 18)
  • Individuals with a low or non-existent income
  • Those who have exhausted all other options for self-sufficiency.

The programme is intended to be a last resort, ensuring that only individuals who absolutely require the assistance are eligible.

How to Apply for SIS?

Make sure you have the following information on hand to make the process go as smoothly as possible:

  • Saskatchewan Health Services (HSN) number and Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Details about your family members, including SIN and HSN numbers
  • Pay stubs or bank documents can be used to verify income.
  • Proof of residence, such as a lease or mortgage documents
  • An active bank account, whether joint or individual, in your name.
  • Completed direct deposit authorisation form
  • Any other funds, such as savings, cash on hand, investments, RRSPs, and other sources of income, such as stocks and bonds
  • Property information, such as real estate, equipment, and cars
  • Information about any other benefits you may be receiving, such as pensions.

You have 30 days from the time you submit your application to provide all of this information, otherwise, your benefits will be impacted or halted. If you’re applying as a couple, keep in mind that you must complete the application together.

The Bottom Line

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